2 Min

Cheok Wee Boon (2009)

Citibank Singapore
Jan 2012 – July 2012





During my internship stint, I was primarily handling the project of looking into eliminating manual day-to-day custody back-office operation processes and advising suitable automation solutions, with particular attention to critical back-office custody operations and involving multiple stakeholders.

The exposure, on one hand, has given me significantly broad working domain knowledge of both the global and local custodian operations, and the challenges faced by the operation staffs across the APAC footprints. And on the other hand, a focused deep-dive understanding of the involved local custody and clearing interaction with Bursa Malaysia. Also, as part of the technology team, learning of Citibank's unique SDLC approach to manage large-scale projects is one of the most priceless skill set gained.

On a lighter note, it was almost a déjà vu experience for me, reminding me of my previous career in Shanghai supervising fellow Singaporean undergraduate juniors, while this time round, I am working alongside with them. Hearty friendships were sought and personally I also gained several invaluable insights from the younger generation too!



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