[MPA Student Insights] How the MPA is making me a better lawyer

2 Min SMU INSIDER: Alumni

Jason Tan, a part-time Master of Professional Accounting (MPA) student, has over 14 years of experience in the legal field and currently works as a legal counsel at a local bank, handling legal advisory work for investment banking businesses, in particular, equity fundraising and mergers & acquisitions. Outside of work, apart from being an avid traveller having travelled to over 16 countries, Jason has a huge passion for sports and is currently a beginner endurance athlete, participating in triathlons and half-marathons. He is also a father to an adorable 9-week old baby girl.


What were you doing prior to the SMU MPA?

I am a lawyer by training and am currently employed as an internal counsel to a bank.


Why did you choose SMU?

I was looking for a suitable course on accountancy after being persuaded of the importance of being able to read financial numbers and its relevance to business.

I chose SMU as it had a suitable programme that covered a broad spectrum of topics that would be useful in building a knowledge base in accounting and financial literacy. The course requirements were something I could commit to, as it did not require full-time study nor employment with an accredited organisation.

Also, SMU is a well-regarded university and graduating with a Master's certification at the end would be a bonus.


What are some of your key achievements during the MPA journey?

It would be the ability to balance working full-time and studying.  This proved to be quite challenging initially, but after a while, you find your rhythm. It helps that the classes and lecturers are very engaging and really build interest in the subject you are learning.  It always amazes me how quickly a term comes to an end – well, times flies when you are having fun.


Share something about the MPA that others might not know.

As a local student, we can be a bit of a minority.  However, this is not necessarily a bad thing as you get to interact with fellow students from different cultures and nationalities. We get to practice our communication skills and gain confidence in a non-threatening environment (and this works both ways).


What are your career aspirations and goals and how has the MPA programme helped you?

I hope to be able to become a better, more well-rounded lawyer – to be able to give advice not just based on looking at the legal or commercial perspective of transactions, but with the added ability to assess the available financial data. The MPA programme has already helped tremendously in this.  Learning to make sense of the numbers through modules like financial accounting and financial management, I no longer look at legal issues in a vacuum.


What advice would you give to other MPA aspirants?

If you are thinking about pursuing a course in accountancy and financial literacy, this is definitely a course worth considering!


For more information on the MPA, email mpa@smu.edu.sg.


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